Monday, April 15, 2013

Waiting for Superman Blog

Waiting for Superman

I had the opportunity to view a film called, Waiting for Superman. This film discussed children and their struggles within the education system. While touching on the fact that Math and Reading scores remain low, the film added that by the 7th grade, grades begin to drop in most students. Is that drop due to the lacking effort of students and their parents? I would say so, but a lot of weight falls on the school systems, and the educators who are employed by the school system. Unfortunately, our nation leaders can’t seem to control their spending, and definitely can’t figure out how to balance a budget. With that being said, their lack of discipline and thinking has effected every department, especially the Department of Education. Budget cuts have led to school closings, programs discontinued, and resources minimized. Add those ingredients to the fact that teacher unions and contracts are making it difficult to fire “dirt bag” teachers who are there collecting a check with little interest in the progress of students. Since the implementing of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, in my opinion, have hurt the children. Instead of receiving a well- rounded curriculum, many teachers seem to be teaching “to the test.” The last thing a teacher wants is their class to have the lowest scores, affecting the school’s overall score. So who is benefiting from the NCLB Act? Is it the students? Is it the teachers? What I do know is that our educational system is broke, and our politicians could care less.

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