Thursday, February 21, 2013

The American Dream

The American Dream

            When we hear of people living out the American dream, what does that mean? How many of us have actually given it a thought? I recently had the opportunity to hear a wonderful speaker, Mo Garcia, and his experience and translation of the American dream. He explained how he was uprooted from El Salvador and sent to the United States to start a new life. With years of resentment came wasted years. Once the light bulb came on, he knew what he wanted to do, just to be derailed again. Mr. Garcia had to identify his weaknesses and turned those into strengths. Once accomplished, he found success in motivating others to be proactive in life goals. His lecture is structured to make you think about where you fit in, and how to get there. I came home and contemplated whether or not I have lived out my American dream, and the answer is yes.

            Growing up in Columbia, South Carolina, I was always intrigued by Fort Jackson, an Army base located nearby. I knew from an early age that I wanted to serve my country as a service member of the United States Armed Forces. Upon completion of high school, I enrolled at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. Although I enjoyed the college/campus life, I knew that I needed something to give me more. At the end of the semester, I came home and joined the United States Navy, and shipped out on March 20, 1989.  Sure, basic training was a rude awakening as to what I just signed up for, but I liked the challenge. Before I knew it, twenty years of service was upon me, and retired March 31, 2009. During that time frame, I have traveled the world, free of charge, received free on the job training, free medical and dental, thirty plus days of yearly vacation, unlimited paid sick days, and a free education using the Post 9/11 G.I Bill. Having the opportunity to retire at the age of 39, with a monthly pension for the rest of my life is a sweet deal. Most importantly, I was able to protect the freedoms of my country so other may chase and accomplish their American dream. Yes, I can honestly say that I have and currently am living the American dream!

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